Infants and Toddlers

What is the Infants and Toddlers Program?
The Arc provides case management services for children from birth to age three who have a diagnosed condition, a developmental delay, or atypical development. Service Coordinators arrange family training, counseling, home visits, developmental education services, therapy services, and family support services. Services are provided in the child’s natural environment to ensure that family members and caregivers are equipped to provide quality on-going care. Some services take place in a toddlers’ group or in a community setting. Bilingual (Spanish-speaking) case-management services are available.
Who pays for the program?
The Infants and Toddlers Program is funded by the Maryland State Department of Education, and run through the Prince George’s County School System. There are no fees for services and no income eligibility requirements. To receive services, a child must be referred to the Infants and Toddlers Program and then determined eligible through assessments.
How do we receive services?
An infant or toddler should be referred for services if there are obvious delays in development, or if the child was born prematurely, or has a diagnosed condition. Family members, medical professionals, or anyone who has contact with the child can make a referral by calling the Infants and Toddlers Intake and Referral line at 301-925-6627. Upon receiving a referral, the Infants and Toddlers Program conducts an assessment within 45 days. If a child is determined eligible, services will begin within 30 days of the development of an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).
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