Mental Health First Aid Training Empowers Community Members to Support Mental Health and Substance Use Challenges

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a vital training program that equips individuals with the tools for early intervention and responding to signs of mental health and substance use challenges. The Arc Prince George’s County is offering this training for free to anyone interested in learning how to identify mental health issues and connect individuals with the appropriate support services.

So far MHFA has been taken by direct support professionals and school system employees. Efforts are now underway to expand awareness and encourage other community providers—including first responders—to take advantage of this valuable training opportunity.

To earn a Mental Health First Aid designation, participants must complete both online coursework and a live session. The course is taught by Melonee Clark, Division Director of Family, Education, and Community Engagement, and Danielle Apeko, Administrative Assistant at The Arc Prince George’s County.

The training walks participants through the ALGEE (Approach, Listen, Give, Encourage, Encourage) Action Plan, a step-by-step guide for supporting individuals experiencing mental health challenges, whether in a crisis or a non-crisis situation.

To become certified MHFA trainers, Melonee and Danielle completed their own MHFA training, which included both the youth and adult portions of the course. They also completed a three-day, in-depth program to understand the course structure and learn how to teach sensitive mental health topics in a way that is supportive and inclusive.

Danielle explains the importance of offering the MHFA training, “We felt it would be a wonderful addition to our other mental health program, Project LIVE. It not only helps those in the Project LIVE program but also supports the families and communities surrounding our youth.”

Danielle calls on the broader community to get involved, “Everyone can help individuals experiencing mental health challenges or substance abuse issues. I would love to see the community step up and take these types of classes—whether with us or other organizations—to learn the signs, symptoms, and how to effectively support people in these situations.”

Since its launch, approximately 20 individuals have completed the MHFA training, with overwhelmingly positive feedback. For more information, email Danielle Apeko at


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